Orders that have been received but not yet shipped may be cancelled for a full refund by sending a message with your name and order number using our "Contact Us" button. On orders that have already shipped buyer will be responsible for return shipping costs via either FedEx or USPS. To begin a return send your name, order number and reason for return request via the "Contact Us" button. You will then receive return instructions, once the return is delivered and inspected a refund will be issued less a $10 restocking fee. No returns accepted on orders that are more than 45 days from delivery date.
From time to time we will offer pre-orders for a new product. Generally, pre-orders will open no more than three weeks before the planned shipping date. Pre-orders are charged at the time of placing the order, and can be cancelled before the anticipated shipping date. To cancel a pre-order simply use the "Contact Us" button and provide us with your name and order number.
At FigureShield we respect your privacy and do not share, sell or provide customer information, including email addresses, with any other company. From time to time we will send emails notifying customers of new products, offers or other pertinent information.